Hakka Foundation is established to promote Hakka Spirit. The objectives of Hakka Foundation are to maintain Hakka Heritage, to promote the practice of self-improvement, self-sufficiency and independence, to serve the community with brotherly love, and to unite with nature in harmony. In peace, therefore, all beings have better lives together.
學習, 獨立自給自足,提昇生活品質.並以同胞愛服務社區,
和諧融入大自然. 讓所有生命和平相處 生生不息.
Journey on Earth,
Under the Same Sky,
We are Family!
百年過客 天下一家
學習, 獨立自給自足,提昇生活品質.並以同胞愛服務社區,
和諧融入大自然. 讓所有生命和平相處 生生不息.
Journey on Earth,
Under the Same Sky,
We are Family!
百年過客 天下一家